Milestones are big moments in your life. Moments that mark change and developement. Maybe you get married, achieve something you’ve been working hard at or your kid learns how to ride their bike. When it comes to photography and milestones, we’re usually talking about the milestones your baby hits in their first year of life.
Okay so not to sound like every other parent out there BUT did you know how fast kids grow in their first year of life?! Of course I knew this as like, a concept, before I had kids but something about having an actual baby of your own alters time and the way you experience it…for the rest of your life. Milestone photos are the best way to capture that growth and development journey that your little one embarks on once they join the world.
If you’re like 99.9% of new parents – you will be exhausted once that little baby comes earthside. Like, bone deep exhaustion where you hallucinate changing diapers and think you always hear someone (a baby) crying. It is both the longest period of your life and yet, seemingly the shortest. You have moments where you think to yourself, “I’m never going to forget this feeling” only to find days later that feeling, that memory, has faded. It’s hard as a parent to be in the moment with your child and remember to capture these memories. These visual reminders of your baby and all that you both are learning that first year. THIS is why I recommend that all new parents book at least one milestone session for their kiddoes. You will never regret freezing time for those juicy baby cheeks and tiny toes.
There are a few different options for milestone photos. Continue on below to learn more about milestone photos and how they might fit into your family photography needs. You might be thinking, “this lady wants me to have HOW many photoshoots for my baby?!” and I totally get that! When it comes to documenting littles, we do these quickly and efficiently. Think 20 minutes or less. The photos in this post took us about 15 minutes from the time they walked into my studio to the time they walked out.
Ready to document your little ones big milestones? Send me a message and let’s get you on my books to document this fleeting, wonderful, love filled time!
Similar to a one year photoshoot, booking a monthly milestone package lets you capture your baby throughout the changing of the year and the seasons. You can opt to these with a photographer or on your own at home but I definitely encourage you to take these images! This really is a fantastic way to be able to show the growth and development of not just your baby but your family as a whole. Some families may want to book a session for each month of the first year and some may prefer only capturing newborn, 6 and 12 months to document this time of life. No matter how or when you document your baby growing and changing – it is never the wrong way or time.
Honestly, after 2 kids of my own, one year olds might be my favorite age. There is something so joyfully perfect about a one year old. All the best parts of a baby still present but their personality and independence blooming. Toddlerhood just on the cusp but still smelling of fresh baby skin. There are so many different ways to celebrate your baby turning one. Whether you’re a fan of a smash cake session (please let me be there the first time your nugget tries cake), an in studio session or a more documentary style at home shoot – there is no wrong way to capture your little one as they are leaving baby hood behind. All those juicy cheeks, squishy feet and baby rolls won’t last much longer! Let’s make sure to preserve them and the love you have for that kiddo before the moment slips away.
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